Presenting Sponsor

Commercial Drive retail district is comprised of twenty-two amazing blocks to explore. In the heart of it all, is Vancouver’s Little Italy, an eight block stretch of Commercial Drive, four blocks north and four blocks south of 1st Avenue. From the 1940s – 1970s, the Commercial Drive area (The Drive) was the true enclave of Italian immigrants both in terms of businesses and residents. Ethnic Italians were the dominant influence in this district and were credited with revitalizing the neighbourhood which became known as ‘Little Italy’.

Today, there is no question that the spirit and presence of ‘Little Italy’ remains at the heart of one of Vancouver’s most unique and vibrant cultural districts. We invite you to taste and experience the ‘Flavours of Little Italy on The Drive’ at some of The Drive’s best Italian owned treasures, spanning from new businesses to those who have roots close to 80 years long. Enjoy!